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Questions to ask while watching a documentary

Jayati Sharma

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Documentaries are non-fictional motion pictures intended to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record”. However, the aspects of the storytelling should be critically viewed and that can start by understanding the following aspects:

  1. Truth

It is important to recognise that multiple truths coexist about the same event. What one thinks of as the truth is just what one believes in- through carefully arranged information- and documentaries do the same.

Questions that you should ask:

  • What truths are presented in the documentary?

  • How are these truths presented?

  • What information does it put forward?

  • What information is left out?

2. Point of view

Stories depend largely on the point of view of the storyteller since it is through their lens that you are seeing the event. The relationship between the filmmaker and the subject would dictate how the documentary would look like and what would be shown.

Questions that you should ask:

  • From what point of view is the documentary speaking? What perspective is it offering on events and arguments?

  • Can you relate to this viewpoint or at least understand where it’s coming from?

  • Are there multiple viewpoints? Do they agree or contradict each other? Does one come across as more “right” while the other seems more “wrong?”

  • Can you think of some other perspectives that might be out there but not addressed in the documentary?

  • What is the tone of or emotion behind the(se) viewpoint(s)?

3. Voices

The people chosen for the documentary would reveal the intent of the maker- if it is just an objective observation or a subjective exploration since the people involved would reveal their own versions of the story.

Questions you should ask-

  • Who are the dominant voices in the documentary? Are they official sources such as government representatives, or are they experts of another kind? Or are they people from the street?

  • What is their connection to the documentary’s subject? What kinds of truths are they putting forward?

  • Do the voices agree with or contradict each other?

4. Method

The method chosen for the communication of the message also plays a role in the portrayal as well as the perception of the event since each medium has its own effect on the audience. The usage of voiceovers, re-enactments, archival footage, interviews, etc- all generate different reactions in the audience according to the subject.

Questions that one should ask:

  • Why does it use the methods it does?

  • Does the film rely on one method more than another?

  • What would the effect be if another method was used?

Thus, while documentaries are a piece of non-fiction, they shouldn’t be taken as “the objective reality” about a subject. One should not forget that it is also made with deliberation and a particular intent to put out a certain message. To critically view a documentary is to fully appreciate the perspective and insight offered as well as understanding and getting involved in the conversation about the subject.


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